Today has been a momentous day for me. Not in a good way but in a kinda glimmer of hope but still dark day.
I have been tossing up the idea of gastric banding for a very long time.
More and more people I know have had it done and had heard mainly positive things.
For me it was my last resort, my final chance.
A couple of weeks ago I had a cold from hell and had to get to a Dr to get a cert for work. I figured while I was there I would mention the banding and see who he recommended. I walked out with an order for blood test and a referral to a surgeon.
I had to return a few days later to get the results of the blood tests
Thyroid Function Test 0.92 Range 0.5 - 4.0 OK
Cholesterol Tests
Total Chol 5.1 Range 0.0-5.5 OK
Triglyceride 2.0 Range 0.5-2.0
HDL Cholesterol 1.4 Range 0.9-2.2
LDL Cholesterol 2.8 Range <3.4
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.6 Range <4.5
General Biochemistry
Sodium 140 136-146
Potassium 4.3 3.5-5.0
Chloride 104 95-110
Bicarbonate 31 22-31
Urea 4.5 2.3-7.6
Est GFR >90 >60
Creatanine 51 40-80
Total Bilrubin 6 <15
Ala Aminotransferase ALT 28 <30
Asp Aminotransferase AST 23 <30
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP 70 20-105
Gamma Glutamyl Trans GGT 15 <30
Total Protien 70 65-85
Albumin 41 38-50
Globulin 29 22-39
Ok so from there all looks ok although a slight indication of anaemia but possibly due to the fact that I was fighting a cold at the time.
But then
Fasting Glucose 7.0 should have been between 4.0 - 6.0
was sent back for a 2 hour GTT test and the results were
0 minutes 6.5 mmol/L
60 Minutes 10.8 mmol/L
120 Minutes 11.3 mmol/L
This response is consistent with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. A diabetic glucose tolerance test response is defined by a fasting concentration greater than 11.0 mmol/L The recent increased fasting glucose concentration is noted.
so I was point .3 over what it should be, the doc tells me that it is good and that we have diagnosed early and so long as I monitor my blood pressure (which has been up lately ) my kidney function and liver I can beat this thing. Especially if I go ahead with the gastric banding.
SO while I am feeling very down at this point and right now I don't want anyone's advice. I KNOW what I need to do it is just everything that it entails that daunts me.
Sorry folks this is about to become a weight loss journey, feel free to switch off at any point. This is more of a personal journal than anything I want to make public.
I don't mind it being public as it kinda keeps me honest. Some people are very private people. I am not one of them, not becuase I want to brag or show off, it is more about putting stuff out there, if someone knows of someone that can help me with whatever I am very open to suggestions. Not just in weight loss and diabetes but all aspects of my life. It's just me, I make no excuses.
Nuff for now.