Monday, August 23, 2010

Here goes!

Ok so I start my optifast tomorrow, something I have avoided thinking about until today since I had to go shopping for lots of fresh vegies. I remember what it was like last time I had optifast, I think I lasted 4 days and quit. I am hoping that because I know it is for only 14 days that I can stick it out. I am going to do my very best not to get cranky.

I took my measurements today and officially stood on my new scales this morning. I went out and bought a funky blue journal that I am going to document the changes in me, the back pages are the statistics the white pages will be the cerebral journey.
Keeping up a blog and a journal may prove too much for someone who never managed to keep a diary much past february. So I may just copy one from the other until I get into the habit of keeping one.

Tonight watching TV I noticed how many damn food ads there were on tv in the space of an hour.

I found a link on Facebook tonight about an amazing motivational speaker Nick Vujicic

Oh boy did I cry some tears just watching it. In one of his you tube vids he mentions a quote that I have everywhere. Never Never Never Give Up. I want this link in my blog to remind me to go back to this site and be inspired all over again.
Ok folks this is going to become one hell of a ride, it's not going to be for the feint hearted and I make no apologies.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Surgery date is booked
This past week I have been to meet the Surgeon Mr Banting, Nice but still an academic.
Met with the Psychologist Ranya who was lovely and very easy to chat to then I met Voula my Dietitian and extremely easy to talk to, I've spent my whole life battling my weight issues and some of the time that included having to front up to a dietitian who told me what I can and can't do and all the right things to do. I just wasn't open to listening. Voula was very realistic we went through my typical day and did not say You can't have that, she gave me tools to deal with WHY I want 'that' when I want it. I walked out of there excited and very positive about everything.

So next on the agenda is another round of blood tests, a chest x-ray and an appt with their GP Dr Lanteri on the 13th August. Once Dr Lanteri clears me I have a follow up appt with Mr Banting to go through all the legal shit risks etc, from there I have 3 weeks, 2 weeks of Optifast prior to the op and all done and booked for the 7th September.

I am optimistic at the moment and excited but by the same token I fully recognise that I am going to have a freak out anxiety attack at some point as the date looms.

I have found real inspiration and a whole lotta support on the Banding Together Website and I am counting on them talking me down when I need it.

Of course all of this is still very dependant on how much we get back on our Tax and Centrelink for the last FY. Hoping and praying that there is enough to cover it as I won't be able to afford it until after the house is built otherwise. I've thought about getting a personal loan for it but with the house repayments and the rent at the moment it is going to tie us up until we are out of the rental and into our new house.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The start of the rest of my life

Today has been a momentous day for me. Not in a good way but in a kinda glimmer of hope but still dark day.

I have been tossing up the idea of gastric banding for a very long time.
More and more people I know have had it done and had heard mainly positive things.
For me it was my last resort, my final chance.

A couple of weeks ago I had a cold from hell and had to get to a Dr to get a cert for work. I figured while I was there I would mention the banding and see who he recommended. I walked out with an order for blood test and a referral to a surgeon.

I had to return a few days later to get the results of the blood tests

Thyroid Function Test 0.92 Range 0.5 - 4.0 OK
Cholesterol Tests
Total Chol 5.1 Range 0.0-5.5 OK
Triglyceride 2.0 Range 0.5-2.0
HDL Cholesterol 1.4 Range 0.9-2.2
LDL Cholesterol 2.8 Range <3.4
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.6 Range <4.5

General Biochemistry
Sodium 140 136-146
Potassium 4.3 3.5-5.0
Chloride 104 95-110
Bicarbonate 31 22-31
Urea 4.5 2.3-7.6
Est GFR >90 >60
Creatanine 51 40-80
Total Bilrubin 6 <15
Ala Aminotransferase ALT 28 <30
Asp Aminotransferase AST 23 <30
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP 70 20-105
Gamma Glutamyl Trans GGT 15 <30
Total Protien 70 65-85
Albumin 41 38-50
Globulin 29 22-39

Ok so from there all looks ok although a slight indication of anaemia but possibly due to the fact that I was fighting a cold at the time.
But then

Fasting Glucose 7.0 should have been between 4.0 - 6.0
was sent back for a 2 hour GTT test and the results were
0 minutes 6.5 mmol/L
60 Minutes 10.8 mmol/L
120 Minutes 11.3 mmol/L

This response is consistent with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. A diabetic glucose tolerance test response is defined by a fasting concentration greater than 11.0 mmol/L The recent increased fasting glucose concentration is noted.

so I was point .3 over what it should be, the doc tells me that it is good and that we have diagnosed early and so long as I monitor my blood pressure (which has been up lately ) my kidney function and liver I can beat this thing. Especially if I go ahead with the gastric banding.

SO while I am feeling very down at this point and right now I don't want anyone's advice. I KNOW what I need to do it is just everything that it entails that daunts me.

Sorry folks this is about to become a weight loss journey, feel free to switch off at any point. This is more of a personal journal than anything I want to make public.

I don't mind it being public as it kinda keeps me honest. Some people are very private people. I am not one of them, not becuase I want to brag or show off, it is more about putting stuff out there, if someone knows of someone that can help me with whatever I am very open to suggestions. Not just in weight loss and diabetes but all aspects of my life. It's just me, I make no excuses.

Nuff for now.