I have been cruising past the computer all day in the hopes that someone would entertain me and save me from the mountain of boxes I am yet to unpack. Josh is doing really well, he is practicing his get up and go motions, I don't think it will be long before he is mobile. I just hope that I have this place semi unpacked before that happens or I might lose him amongst the paper and boxes. I am hoping to be able to get the car into the garage sometime in the next week.
I am off to the local chemist tomorrow to join in on a coffee morning, I had asked at the daycare centre about what passes for MCHN up here, she told me that there wasn't anything and that I just take the kids to the local chemist to be weighed and that they have a nurse on staff to answer any questions.
I have been feeling isolated this past week and have really struggled, I want to get the house organised so I can start to get out and around to meet more people. So anyway I called into the chemist today and met the midwife they have there and explained that I had moved and I didn't know where to start looking for some help.
She was so lovely, she weighed Josh and measured him, checked him over and filled me in on what I needed to do and she invited me for a coffee morning tomorrow morning. I think I might go if only to get out of this place for a little while. Retail therapy gets expensive and I am just looking for any excuse to get out to buy bread or milk etc just to get out of the house, anything to sit down somewhere and not look at boxes.
I am yet to find the box with my WW books in it, I am hanging out to get back to WW. I reckon with my absentminded lack of food and all the exercise I am getting I am hoping I have lost weight.
I promise tomorrow I will post something positive and nice. This blog was started just to chronicle the kids but all it has been has a whinge for me.
That's enough for now