Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Leaving Friends

Tonight was the girls night out for my farewell. We went to the Torquay Pub and for the first time the service was atrocious! We waited an hour and a quarter for our meals. One of the girls ordered something that had Risotto balls, her plate was put in front of her with no explanation and it wasn't until she queried the location of her risotto balls that the girl told her that the kitchen had run out of the risotto and that they were more than happy to supply her with another side dish of her choosing. Of course it was too late by then so she said she'd get a dessert. So she was stuck with her chicken breast sitting on a bed of measly lettuce leaves and was charged $20 for the priviledge just as well the lemon tart was good. The pub was packed with grommets from all over the world as the Rip Curl Pro is on in town. Easter week is always good for a perv...
Anyway the talk was mainly mundane girly stuff but it was nice. I think I have kinda of already shut myself off emotionally to everyone to avoid being teary. I really want Raz to know that I love the idea of the move and to show that I am sad to be leaving would maybe give the impression that I'm not.
I am going to miss all the baby news but they promise to keep me up to date. I understand that these things aren't always possible and it makes my heart ache to remove Nate from the kids that he has grown up with but I know that he will make more friends. I am more afraid that it won't be the same.
We took a photo of all the kids today Nathan looking like a storm in a teacup because he didn't get a truck like the other boys. Amelia just didn't want to have her photo taken so Jodi had to stay there with her but you can see she wasn't happy. I love looking at this pic and the one I took of them all for the 2005 Calendar pic, they have just grown up so much. I hope I get to return once a year to keep the picture up to date with the same kids. I guess I hope the group stays together so there is somewhere for us to come back to visit.
I can't say they are my best buddies but the girls have all shared an amazing time in my life with the birth of Nathan and they were all there for us during the operations, through the fertility troubles and then the birth of Josh. I can't say I could call any of them at 2am with a problem but if I needed someone to watch the kids then any one of them would jump. I don't feel like I will ever have a best friend like the ones you have when you are in high school. Just wish my high school friends were closer.

Took some cute photos of Josh today. For a change he was actually smiling in some of them, he has just been such a cranky thing I feel like I don't know what he wants/needs half the time.

Today he had a good day, I am waiting until we get up to the new place and settled in and I will get him into more of a routine and get Nathan to actually stay in his own bed for an entire night.

I just love this red stripey suit although he is starting to get too long for all the 00 stuff!

Ok that's more than enough for one night, I am knackered and I have the packers coming tomorrow, I just want to get Nate to Kinda nice and early so he is out of the chaos and get everything we need for the car in one place so it doesn't get packed into the truck. I hate MOVING!! I AM excited about QLD though.

Love ya Tash -xx-